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  • Mr. More

Happy APP Day

Not sure how we feel about an APP having its own day, so let's use a little word play today.

In math we learned about a new diagram: DOUBLE NUMBER LINES ALL THE WAY! These are two (or more) lines representing the two quantities (or more) in ratios Some students had some practice making them, some students had some practice using them, but all students had to APPly their mathematical reasoning to this exercise.

HOMEWORK: 6.3 (pg 177 I think) for only rotations 2, 3, and 4 MORE HOMEWORK: Lesson 7 practice problems ONLY FOR ROTATION 1!!

In humanities we introduced our Socratic Seminar prep handout, which is due as homework on Friday morning (see Classroom). This follows a questioning activity where each student wrote a question relating to our civilization timeline, which has now been paired down to four topics for discussion on Friday. Students will not only have to APPly their knowledge of the civilization they are studying, but will also have to do some thinking and research as it relates to their discussion topic and APPly that new learning as well on Friday. This will be a formal assessment (we practiced earlier on a reading about Halloween) and if you are unaware of what a Socratic Seminar is, they are a student-directed formal discussion with the teacher acting as a facilitator of student ideas. Mr. More has been doing them going on twelve years now and they are always one of his favorite days of learning as the discussion is organic, dynamic and allows for students to share their deep thinking skills.

Students also had time to work on their ancient civilization projects, and let's just say that there was a good amount of duct tape being APPlied to cardboard today as many groups are creating board games as one of their products. We are hoping to have completed rough drafts of all projects prior to Winter Break.

During science students watched a video about plastics and how they are made. They were APPalled at the extent of single use plastics in our waste stream. We developed a list of questions that APPeared to keep growing as they made connections about what happens in their own life. These questions should provide quite a bit of guidance as they move into the idea phase of this GeoChallenge. To get a better understanding o

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